Thursday, June 29, 2006


As in, we're bulldozin' through the NL, the Mets sleepwalked through this series, and our winning streak is a customer's dozen.

During that weekday afternoon game recently, I was on commenting along with the game thread. And there seemed to be some serious anti-Coco sentiment. Terrible job. The guy's still getting settled into his Red Sox shoes, but he's hitting .293, and he's playing great D. Including the play of the month tonight, in an absolutely large spot.

Usually homers to center at Fenway are to the first couple of rows of seats. The people in the front row usually at least get to reach up for the ball. Tonight, Papi hit one where the front row, while the ball was still in the air, turned around and started clapping.

Stupid National Leaguers, man. They get caught stealing, they get picked off, they get picked off again... Julio Franco got picked off second, but hey, give the guy a break. He's only 47 years old.

Great inning for the Sox when they brought in the go ahead run. Ortiz is no slouch, speed-wise, just like Manny isn't, fielding-wise. But nobody will ever believe those things. Oh well, they'll be our little secrets that we'll take to the Octobric promised land. I love all these guys. Except Tavarez.

As I thought, and said yesterday, a bunch of bloggers did go the Spinal Tap route. With 90% of precincts reporting, here are the ones that did it:

Keep Your Sox On, Basegirl, Baseball Desert, Boston Blogger, and Sox Therapy.

Had the eleventh win not coincided with the Pedro game, the list would've been much longer. And I'd like to point out that only Iain (Baseball Desert) and I used a line other than the actual "eleven" line. The other ones, come on, y'all know better!

I have called "13" tonight;

Will the Mets cooperate tonight?

Yeah. Should be a good test for J'son J'son.
I'm so happy you posted the picture of our "superhero" from last night, Coco. And this is from me, a guy who is no longer quoted by you, but who has all the comic books, still saved, even from my Mom of the 80s, who SO wanted to throw them out. And they're in a box, wrapped up, yellowing but still great. Action, Superman, Batman, all of 'em. Have you or are you going to see Superman Returns? And a healthy holiday to you and yours.
Superman '77 is the true classic. You've got me? Who's got you?

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