Wednesday, September 28, 2011

First Upz

Know what the key is? First-ups. We've got pitchin' issues. But we've also got first-ups. We bat first tonight, we bat first tomorrow (IF necessary), we'd bat first in the first two games of the ALDS, we'd bat first in the first two games of the ALCS, we'd bat first in the first two games of the World Series. Score first, and hopefully score a lot. Play with the lead. Use this road-game action to our advantage, so that when Dustin Pedroia throws that first pitch in the bottom of the first when all the other pitchers are in the hospital, he's got a cushion to work with.

Today's the first day of 2011 where we can say that the season could end tonight. But we won't say that. I'll probably do some kind of live-blog for the game, or at least do updates, so you can read what some guy you don't know thinks.


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