Friday, December 07, 2012

All Times In

Remember how I noticed that mystery week in April where Red Sox home games are at 6:30? Well I was doing a STH survey today and one of the questions was "we're thinking about changing start times for April weekday games," followed by choices for what we'd prefer. The choices were 6:05, 6:35, and 7:05*. So I guess that somewhat explains it, and also, the fact that they're still tinkering with times could mean they'll add more weekday afternoon getaway-day start times.

[Note: I do remember they've had earlier start times in April in the past--this time it was just curious because the first two weeks had normal times, and the third week had 6:30s.]

*Since the normal time is 7:10, does this mean they're definitely changing the April times, to 7:05 at the latest? Or did they just make a mistake and mean to say "6:10, 6:40, or 7:10"? These are the things I wonder about, when I'm not wondering what your mind experiences when you die.

What did you do choose? I went with 7:05.
I chose the fourth choice, "no preference"! I thought "Okay, it doesn't matter to me now to go a little earlier, which would be good in terms of not being there so late in the cold, but what if in April my job has me down here in RI until after 5 or something, and it turns out MY 6:30 choice put them over the top and they moved it up and I miss the first inning!" So I figured I'd just leave that one to people who knew what they wanted, and let them battle it out, and I'll just be fine with whatever they choose.

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